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About us

This Platform for Responsible Editorial Policies (PREP) emerged out of the surprising experience of how difficult it can be as an author, reviewer, or a scholar of peer review procedures to obtain insights in how a specific journal organizes its editorial process. The platform builds on earlier work conducted in the Improving Peer Review (IMPER) project.

ZonMw PREP Project

Funded by ZonMw (The Dutch Organisation for Medical Research and Health Innovation) , PREP was established starting September 2019 and was launched in March 2020. The project is conducted in collaboration between Radboud University’s Institute for Science in Society and Leiden University’s Centre for Science and Technology Studies. Please find below information on its main contributors.

The website’s graphic design was created by DikkePunt | Ontwerp & Illustratie.

An article announcing the launch of the platform was published in Learned Publishing. You can find the article here.